Do I need a referral?

If you are receiving care from Jess at Tuart Family Practice, then no referral is required. However, if you have a GP and wish them to stay involved in your pregnancy care, then a referral from your GP is recommended.

No referral is required for Acuneedling

Where can I birth my baby?

At present, Jess does not offer labour and birthing services (young children unfortunately do not suit the on-call lifestyle) but maybe one day!

For the birth of your baby, you will be referred to your local hospital for birth which depends on what hospital is in your catchment depending on where you live.

What if there is a complication with my pregnancy?

Your Midwife, with your consent, will discuss your care with on-call obstetric team at your birthing hospital or your choice of Obstetrician and share your pregnancy care. If your pregnancy becomes high risk and falls out of the midwifery scope of  practice,  you will be referred to the hospital for care.