Antenatal Expressing

Expressing breastmilk after 36 weeks of pregnancy

What is colostrum and why is it important?

  • Colostrum is a fluid produced by the breasts during pregnancy, and the first few days after birth.

  • Colostrum may look dark yellow to clear in colour and is thick and sticky.

  • Colostrum is easily digested and the best first food for your baby.

  • Colostrum contains many protective substances that help build baby’s immune system.

  • Colostrum is made in small amounts but is high in energy, helping baby to pass their first bowel motion. This also helps prevent jaundice after birth.

Why should I consider antenatal expressing?

  • Human milk is the recommended food for all babies, but especially for babies with extra health needs.

  • Expressing and storing colostrum before birth may decrease the risk of your baby being given infant formula after birth.

  • Expressing can assist in the promotion of successful, exclusive breastfeeding for you and your baby.

  • Exclusive breastfeeding promotes normal development of the baby’s digestive system including good gut bacteria.

Expressing packs available for $20 - please text 0400 828 843